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Tires: Claimed Weight vs Actual Weight

We've noticed that the claimed weights for many of our favorite tires are nowhere near what the actual tire weights are. So, to help you get a better sense of what your tires are going to weigh, we've created a list of actual scaled tire weights from companies like Maxxis, Specialized, WTB, and Vittoria.

Click on the tabs of tire brand to check the tire weight of certain models you are interested in. If your tires are not listed, we would appreciate if you could leave a comment and share with us the claimed weight and actual weight!

Tire Brands And Weights

The measurements are just FYR since we get only 1 or 2 sample(s) of a certain tire model.

March 25th, 2020 | Light Bicycle



Andy 2021/12/09

Re your GP5000 weight check: You have a picture of the GP5000TL, not the GP5000 (non tubeless). The GP5000TL has a claimed weight of 300g, so your tire is actually 3g less than claimed.

LightBicycle 2021/12/09

Hi Andy, Thanks for your kind suggestion. We will change the information soon. Let me know if you find anything that need to be amended in the future. Thanks in advance. Thanks, Lightbicycle


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