Custom 27.5 Carbon Wheels for Giant Full-Suspension MTB
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Cchris 2018/08/16
I very much like this decal, can it be made for my wheels? Different text however. thanks
LightBicycle 2018/08/17
Hi Chris, It is our old lightbicycle decal design. What kind of text do you like to write on it? Then we can quote accordingly for you and design the graphic file for your check. Thanks, Lightbicycle
Cchris 2018/09/04
I need a flourescent yellow color (a little different than the one pictured). Are custom colors possible? Also, for custom decals, is it thin material like the light bicycle normal decal, and also under a coat of clear coating so they will be protected and not scratch off?
LightBicycle 2018/09/05
Hi Chris, We have sent our decal with more color option for your check. Please check and let us know which you like. It is water decal material, it is under clear coating and unremovable. Thanks, Lightbicycle
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JJ. 2014/11/13
Have had these rims for almost a year now and I have had no problems what so ever. Great product and great service.
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