Custom MTB Wheels: For 27.5er GT Ricochet
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PPsyGuy71 2013/06/07
Thank you! On the front fork (Fox Talas 32 R) there is ample clearance of about 25mm. On the rear it's admittedly close, about 8-10mm. I'm running with 650b 2.1 Kenda Nevgals on front and back... if I had gone any larger on tire diamter (ie the 2.3 version) on the back I doubt I'd have had enough clearance for comfort. I ride Southern California and it's pretty packed/dry here so I don't have any issues with mud build-up (which, aside from the the resistence factor, I would think a small clearance to help scrape any mud buildup off would be a good thing, but most sites seem to consider inadequate mud clearance a negative, go figure). Bike handles great. I set these up tubeless and honestly had some issues with initial setup to get to hold air for more than a few hours, but after a few weeks I think it's settled into the seams pretty well (have enough Stans build up) and it holds well now. This may have a lot to do with my lack of skill - first tubeless setup. The Nevegals were incredibly tight on these rims. The youtube videos for tubeless setup where others were getting their tires on the rim just by hand stunned me... I had to do some serious tire prys to get over the lip. Glad I went tubeless - if I were needing to change up/patch tubes very often the tightness might be a pain. ; ) Hope this helps!
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Aales 2013/05/25
Hi I really like your bike .I have GT Marathon carbon team.Was that a problem to fit 27.5 wheels to this frame ? How is this bike handling now ? Thanks Ales
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